Sunday, February 8, 2009

Microwave Chocolate Cake

We can get movies on demand so why not chocolate cake? Why do we always fall victim to chocolate cake cravings at 1 AM when it’s pouring outside and our keys are missing and there’s a plague of locusts incoming? Why am I the only person this kind of scenario seems to happen to?

Well now you can make chocolate cake in your microwave.

Come again?

In your microwave. I’ll prove it.

After having seen this link on microwaved chocolate cake I couldn’t stop myself. I had to rush out and try it myself. And by “rush out” I mean drag my laptop and camera into the kitchen.

Start with a bowl (or large mug) and mix together 4 tablespoons of flour, 4 tablespoons of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. I used chocolate mocha hot chocolate mix powder!

Then mix in one egg, 3 tablespoons of milk, and 3 tablespoons of oil.

All mixed up? Good! Now put it in your microwave and microwave on HIGH for 3 minutes.

You’ll get this.

Then you can just stick a fork in it and eat it or be pompous like me and sprinkle powdered sugar over it.


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