No Sin Sans Sugar was giving me problems. So I decided to associate myself with a nickname that's much better suited to me. I've been "Jirafa" since my first job where I acquired the nickname. It caught on so well that I'd get intercom calls for "Jirafa." I had a "Jirafa run" and my AP Biology teacher knew me as "Jirafa" before actually knowing my real name. My roommates refer to me exclusively as "Jirafa" and any time I hear my real name (Kristina) I'm a little disconcerted by it.
And yes, of course I love giraffes.
So it only seems appropriate to rename my blog after a creature that I adore (and somewhat identify with). So I apologize for all this and no, I don't make it a habit to change my identity.
I do not have a box of fake I.D.s in my closet. I really really don't...
What I do have is a love of food, a love that I will be sharing with you.
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